"There are two types of beings in the universe, those who dance, and those who do not." Drax, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
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Will the Krill : You hear that ? They're doing it again !
Bill the Krill : Doing what ?
Will the Krill : This [starts to dance and laugh frantically]
Bill the Krill : Fascinating. What is it ?
Will the Krill : I have no idea.
Bill the Krill : [starts to dance as well] Wow ! What's it for ?
Will the Krill : Perhaps it's a momentary relief from the existential terrors of existence.
Bill the Krill : Oh. What ?
Will the Krill : It brings out my happy !
Happy Feet 2, George Miller, 2011
Spring Breakers, Harmony Korine, 2013
Bonus :
"Danse et cinéma" par la web émission d'Arte "Blow Up"